Getting started

To get started either mining or staking Magicoin, you need the magi core. To begin, unzip the file and start `m-wallet(.exe)`. As soon as it has loaded, close it. Now download the blockchain and unzip it to your `%AppData%\Magi (Windows)` or `~/.magi` (Linux) folder. Beforehand, delete anything BUT the wallet.dat file. Now reopen `m-wallet(.exe)` and wait for it to sync the last blocks. Now you have the wallet set up!

To start mining, you need an mining software that supports the m7m algorythm. We reccomend the following ones:

If you're planning on pool mining, you can choose a pool on Miningpoolstats. Most pools provide a utility to generate the command line arguments for you. If they don't, you can ask for help on our discord server. (Found on our contact page)

If you're planning on solo mining, you can just start magid with -rpcuser=user -rpcpassword=password -rpcport=8232, point your miner to http://user:password@ If you need extra help, you can leave your question behind on our discord server. (Found on our contact page)